if I was to think about all the sessions where I have sat down and taught myself something new in knitting, there would probably be 4 of them up to now.
I first taught myself how to cast-on with the sling shot cast on method. I learned how to do this cast on method this summer during a nasty thunderstorm in charlottesville. this was session 1. I also tried to teach myself to knit, but it really did not work. I cannot meet with the working hours in my right hand. I blame this on the fact that I have been a right handed crocheter all my life.
Session 2 happened at a yarn shop which is near and dear to my heart. after attempting to learn how to knit and purl on my own, the owner of the yarn shop showed me that there is a continental knitting method. then, using a youtube video I mastered how to knit and purl, kinda. my first sample had all my stitches twisted. the owner of the yarn shop said that it was a design element, and that I could keep that like but it would not be right. Thus, I went into doing it right by watching yet another youtube video. viva la youtube!
session 3 is where I learned that I really should not probably be doing some of the more advanced knitting techniques while I still do not know the basics. I sat down for session number 3 and taught myself how to cable. like my friend aimee told me, it was way easier than I thought it would be.
session 4 was tonight. I bought myself a new book which is knitted gifts from interweave. the book appealed to me because there are multiple hats and gloves and smaller projects. in particular though, there is this wonderful bag that I would like to make myself. I am addicted to bags. the book also has is really great hybrid cowl / hat that I want to make. in the back of the book there were 2 techniques that I wanted to learn because the owner of that yarn shop said she uses 1 of them to cast on. tonight, I sat down and taught myself how to do that knit cast on and then the I cord. I anticipate using the I cord for strings that will tie closed bags or for those long cords on the ear flaps.
I am not really good at predicting what I will learn in my next session. there are certain techniques (like short rows, decreases, knitting on circular needles, make one, and binding off) that I just learn because I have to learn them to complete the specific project which interests me. where as during these ' sessions', I am memorizing certain ways of doing things so that they are in my arsenal for future projects.
and did I tell you that I wrote my first pattern? its for a very simple cowl. I will put it on ravelry so that someone can test it for me.
finally, I had a very successful trip to two yarn shops this evening. jj knitting, which is in stuarts draft, is where I bought some berroco vintage, the book, and 1 skein of cascade superwash. there are so many projects using cascade yarn I thought I would have 1 in case I need it for a ravelry based project. then in charlottesville, I stopped at the needle lady. before wyrd sisters opened, the needle lady was my favorite yarn shop in virginia. I got to return there today, and being a more informed knitter, I ask better questions and found some really exciting supplies. simply put, she has a large supply of malabrigo. and, if you don't know, malabrigo is my favorite brand of yarn. I got 1 skein of sock, and 2 different skeins of the worsted. 1 of the worsteds is called turtle. I mean it is called Tortuga, but you know what I mean. I have been looking for it for a while, so I was super excited when I found it tonight.
this weekend I hope to get 1 knit project finished and two crochet projects completed. Hopefully my owl calorimetry will be done! I can't wait to blog that one...