Going back to school means WAY less time in the house. But, honestly, after the summer-o-traveling we had, it might be about the same.
This week I was able to pump out 3 prototypes, although, honestly, 2 are not done. I'm still not able to access the sewing machine bc the redone studio (my side) cannot be fully reset until the yellow cupboard is finished. It's still in the basement, waiting to be assembled.
We also need cabinet pulls. More on that search later.
This week, I present to you 3 prototypes: The Surprise, The Pleat, and The Fandom.

First off, is The Pleat. This felted bag is ADORABLE, and made from a Seester supplied Teal, a Philly STEAL of the purchase Brown, and fisherman's oatmeal Wool, crotcheted into clutch (with PLEATS!) and then wet felted. I haven't decided if I want to line this or leave it as it is. It will need SOME sort of closing devise, but as of now, I'm tickled with it's design.

The Surprise! is this set of antique looking bow and bluegreenish earrings. I mean, how much cuter can you get than these? They're all store/etsy bought materials (sadly meaning they're more expensive than most my creations), but I am still impressed with their beauty.

And now, The FAN! A Purple and Yellow -something- for the purple and yellow fan. PHHS? Sure! ECU? Sure! JMU? SURE! Totally up to your Purple and yellow heart's desire. I think I'll be wearing this to PH games, unless someone else claims it. Elle jokes that I should give it to Brad. Bahahahaha!!! Can you see the head coach of PH football with this strapped to his belt?

And, finally, here's a picture of the beautiful studio/sunroom. It's a bit naked presently, but it'll pick up items as we continue to find what we like. Especially now that elle has her camera... we'll be able to put up lots of beautiful photos soon!

thanks to Aimee over at http://www.thefunctionalspace.blogspot.com for her suggestion of wall color!